Shortly after I got off the bus from Manila yesterday, the family was having brunch at Jollibee, courtesy of the BPI EPS transaction I made weeks prior, plus some. For more info on this promo, check out BPI’s Jollibee promo page. All in all, I saved more than 400 pesos for the family’s meal. Not bad.
While eating, my daughter asked, “Mama, is it true that the world is ending on December 21?” Much as I believed the opposite to be true, I said, “No, I don’t think so.” End of the world, in this context, I was visualizing a series of volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, earthquakes of humungous magnitude simultaneously happening in one day.
And that’s when the animated discussion started.
Apparently, the kids got to watch Marc Logan’s segment on TV Patrol regarding a YouTube video that tied Korean singer Psy’s “Gangnam Style” to the December 21, 2012 end-of-the world prediction.
This particular discussion prompted me to spend a good part of today, Sunday, watching end-of-world documentaries with the kids. They, too, watched with bated breath, and fascination. The Mayan calendar, Nostradamus, Fulcanelli, predictions from years ago, galactic alignment – all these were tackled in greater detail in this History Channel documentary.
I won’t bore you with the details. You may watch the documentary if you so please.
Scary predictions, yes, but what can be expected of anything with Nostradamus tied to it? I’m not at all downplaying the man’s brilliance. In fact, I am awed by him. All I’m saying is that his name has become synonymous to ominous predictions that eventually happened with stunning accuracy – the death of Princess Diana, the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the French revolution, JFK’s assassination, just to name a few.
Then again, seeing how the world is now going through a series of upheavals – global warming, political changes, earthquakes, flooding – it has already become apparent even from years ago that the world as we know it today is about to come to a close. When exactly it will close is, well, anyone’s guess. The Bible says, “only the Father knows.”
Even NASA believes it’s not happening on December 21, 2012. In this video that’s intended to be released on December 22, 2012, a day after the supposed Mayan apocalypse, it explains why.
December 21, 2012 is exactly a day before my high school batch’s much-anticipated reunion, and I will most likely be already reunited with a few of my former schoolmates by then. What about you, where will you be on December 21, 2012?
Latest posts by Maricel Rivera (see all)
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i’m so fascinated with this also. and you’re right with everything’s happening right now, there’s a possibility. i just hope it’s not in this lifetime or in my kid’s lifetime.
redlane geraine recently posted…THREE KINGS DAY GIVEAWAY!!! Open Worldwide
Hi, Redlane, thanks for visiting and commenting. Welcome to my blog. I really didn’t give it much thought until the kids started asking. Same here, if hoping and wishing can make a difference, I wish it wouldn’t be in this lifetime or my kids’.
Maricel recently posted…Despite the Loss, Manny Still Rules!
This thing will not gonna happen. Believe me so, on Dec 22, I’ll busy myself reading FB comments that are associated with this End Time stuff.
papaleng recently posted…Decorate Your Christmas Tree with Cats!
Papaleng, thanks for visiting and commenting. I don’t believe the world is going to end on December 21 myself. I’ll probably be reading FB comments with you, LOL. And have you checked that YouTube video about the Gangnam Style contributing to this doomsday prediction? Sometimes, people can really be funny.
Maricel recently posted…Monday Reflections: Are You Planting?
End of the world? i haven’t heard news lately eh.. but where am i on that day, for sure i am home taking care of little Destine. 🙂
fallenrhainnes recently posted…MY FIRST GIFT RECEIVED THIS CHRISTMAS
Good for you, Rhainnes. End of the world or not, we can only do what we moms have to do – take care of our families the best way we can. Thanks for dropping by today. 🙂
Maricel recently posted…Monday Reflections: Are You Planting?
I haven’t heard about the end-of-the-world, until one of my sister’s friend came here and spread the news. I never believe for you are right it is only the Father knows when. There are predictions that sometimes changes due to the prayers we did, we can make this earth even stay longer only if we human being start to love unconditionally, be selfishness and forgive… the only thing we can do is pray, and why would you be afraid if you have a strong faith right?
That’s right, Nova. Faith can move mountains. Still, these predictions, I think, should not be pushed to the side just like that. We, humans, do need to take care of our planet even more. For sure, the end of days will come. When is perhaps not a date any human can accurately predict. Thanks for coming over. 😉
Maricel recently posted…Monday Reflections: Are You Planting?
Oh I thought that wuld be on December according to Mayan’s but nothing happened then so I don’t think it will happen on the 21st.
Chubskulit Rose recently posted…Veterans in Our Family
Hi, Rose. Thanks for visiting. Yeah, the Mayan calendar apparently ends on December 21, 2012, which is the basis for the December 21, 2012 apocalypse prediction. In truth, though, the Mayans never said the world is ending on that date. Instead, it will just be the beginning of a new cycle. And some experts say just like the era of the Neanderthals had to cease to usher in the era of the Cro-Magnon, well, something to that effect. 🙂
Maricel recently posted…Despite the Loss, Manny Still Rules!
I don’t know what to believe, honestly. But in my heart, I know that our God, who is the od of love, will not forsake us. I hold on to that belief.
I’m just happy that on Dec. 21, I’ll be in the company of my family. That’s all that matters. And if the world does end, I just pray it won’t be violent, more of like a rapture kind of thing.
God bless us all.
Ria C recently posted…The Christ in Christmas
Hello, Ria, thank you for coming by. Although I am of the opinion that the world is not yet to end on December 21, I, too, would like the end to be non-violent. I hope you have a fun time with your family on the 21st. 🙂
Maricel recently posted…Monday Reflections: Are You Planting?
December 21 which is this coming Friday will be a happy day for me as it is my daughter’s last day of school for 2012 and my husband’s last day of work as well for this year. And yes, life goes on after December 21. I don’t believe any news on the end of the world if it’s said or taken from somewhere other than the Bible. 🙂
Same here, I don’t believe the world is going to end on the 21st. Well, there’s just no way it’s going to end in one day, is there? 😀 But of course, no one can tell, right?
I’m sure you’re going to have a really fun time on the 21st. Thanks for visiting, Rcel!
Maricel recently posted…How to Spend Less on Gifts This Holiday Season
So much have been said and written about the end of the world. What am I gonna do on the 21st? Honestly, I have my own plans for that day but no one can be assured of tomorrow. Before the 21st day comes, there’s yet 19 and 20. Anything can happen to us at anytime because the second coming of our Savior is not known.
I can only believe on what is written in the Holy Scriptures. As it is written in 2 Peter 3:10 and I quote:
“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” (King James Version).
We can speculate a lot on this subject matter but the least thing we can do is just be prepared at all times for the second advent of our Lord Jesus.
Thank you for this very thought provoking post, Sis 🙂
Lainy recently posted…I Found The Key To Heaven
Very nice take, Lainy. Aside from it being grounded on the Scriptures, it’s practical as well. Yes, I really wanted to find out what people thought about all these doomsday predictions, hence, this blog post. It’s nice to know that a lot of us are still unperturbed. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! 😀
Maricel recently posted…How to Spend Less on Gifts This Holiday Season
Yepst, I believe that the world is too wicked for the people to get perturbed. LOL! A lot of people are still enjoying their lives on earth and they are not a bit bothered by dooms day. Hahaha!
i dont think the world will come to an end. I think they will just create another disaster. some of these disasters as well as the murders of diana, jfk, jfk jr,michael jackson, whitney houston, etc, were all by the illuminati. they murder the famous people who no longer support them, no longer making any money for the industry, or to just get them out of their way because they are no longer of any use to them. but all this is covered up with lies and crap, and promoted on the zionist media.
llluminati, Zionist media … now, we’re onto something here, Fifi Leigh. And this got me curious, too. Hmmm, I think there’s some digging I need to do. 😀
Maricel recently posted…How to Spend Less on Gifts This Holiday Season
My children will be having their Christmas parties on December 21 and on that day my husband and I will be attending to their needs as always. I have long ceased scaring myself with these predictions accepting the fact that it can happen anytime and when it will be is not known to anyone. I am trying to make the best of everyday with my loved ones since this is something we have some amount of control of. The rest I leave to God.
Wishing you and your family peace.
Teresa Martinez recently posted…How Do We Protect Our Children? – Thoughts on the Connecticut School Shooting
Thanks, Teresa, for your thoughts. On the 21st, I will be busy with preparations for our upcoming high school reunion. I’m sure it’s going to be fun, too. 😉
Maricel recently posted…Despite the Loss, Manny Still Rules!
instead of watching videos about the apocalypse i tend to go on meme sites to see jokes about it. that way i don’t get to freak my wife out. hehe..
cheers for sharing! 🙂 recently posted…Rest in Peace Little Ones.
Haha. Reading/watching memes is a lot more fun than watching videos of end-or-world predictions, really!
Maricel recently posted…The Cardboard Box and the Creative You
only GOD knows! I really ignore predictions like this…I guess I’ll be doing some errands on that day.
Dhemz recently posted…Sweet Potato Vine
It was a question the kids posed that got me curious, too. But yes, I myself didn’t even care until the question cropped up. Thanks for visiting, Dhemz!
Maricel recently posted…Holly Jahangiri – Mom, Writer and Blogger Extraordinaire: An Interview
Very interesting and thought provoking…I was going to write something about 12/21/12 too but too lazy to research…now thanks to you there are some pages and videos I could watch to enlighten me…I never believe easily in predictions but sometimes I let this mind wander…and wonder…remember the time Moses built an ark…no one believed him but a flood came….I haven’t honestly explored the book of revelations or any scientific study for that matter on rapture and accept that no one really knows what will happen between now and tomorrow but I am sure that we must not only work for our physical health but the spiritual as well before everything is too late…come December 21 I will be at work and praying nothing bad happens…prayer works, that I believe 🙂 have a blessed day…
I had to watch those to enlighten me, too. We might not believe, but it still helps to know why others thought it’s the end of the world already. If we’re going to suspend preconceived beliefs, we’re going to realize they, too, have a point. Then again, I would have to concur that prayer does wonders. Have a great week ahead, sis! 🙂
Maricel recently posted…What Exactly Is Content Marketing?
Amazing stories and videos that linked to 12/21/12. Hubby has been mumbling about the subject since few days ago talking about Psy, Nostradamus and his predictions. I haven’t really thought about it because just like what you said only the Father knows the exact date. May rapture pa diba? Hehehe
Although I don’t believe that the world will going to end this coming Friday, I intend to stay at home and rest with my little one.
By the way, thank you for the nomination in FBF sis. I want you to know that I truly appreciate it but just like what Lainy said hindi kami pwde i nominate to avoid biases and the objective of the awarding is for the members to shine. 🙂
Advance Merry Christmas to you and to your whole family 🙂
Rovie recently posted…Simple Dinner on my Father’s 56th Birthday
Thanks for the kind words, Rovie. The “Gangnam Style” part was somewhat hilarious. The Nostradamus predictions though were a bit disturbing. Well, the man’s brilliance has that effect.
I’ll be doing a bit of travel by then. And I’m sure it’s going to be fun. 🙂
Oh, no problem with the nomination. You deserve it. Of course, I understand the admins’ stand, and I respect that. 😉
Maricel recently posted…Holly Jahangiri – Mom, Writer and Blogger Extraordinaire: An Interview
I will be at home working on finishing a couple of projects to give for Christmas. It will not be the end of the world on the 21st because that would make God a liar. “However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows. Mark 13:32. If it was going to be the end of the world, it would say no one but Nostradamus, or the Mayans know. However, the next verse (not a direct quote) says “we should always be ready, and be aware, for the hour. I personally think we are getting into the season of the end of the world, but of course do not know when that is.
When I was younger, I used to think the same thing, because I wanted my kids to experience life. What?? Now I know that all I need to do is to tell others about Jesus, so when I “fly away”, they will be going with me. We have no real comprehension of the wonderful things that wait for us in heaven!
Maricel, thank you for this post, and also thank you for visiting my blog!
Kathleen Couch recently posted…What Style Vacation Do You Take? (Infographic)
Kathleen, thank you for taking the time to come by and comment. 🙂
I agree that we are now in the world’s season finale, if you will, but when exactly this will all end is not for any man to know because it’s one tidbit of information that is exclusive to God alone. (Thank you, by the way, for the Bible verse.)
And thank you for your wonderful message about Jesus and heaven. Sometimes, some people (myself included) need reminding. 😉
Maricel recently posted…Monday Reflections: Are You Planting?
In that day I’ll be busy preparing for my student since that will be their last day before hitting holiday vacation mode.
I don’t think the world will come to an end. Lots of speculations before and still nothing happens. For me the best thing we need to do is just prepare spiritually at all times.
Jhoveleen recently posted…Make Shopping Fun and Social
Thanks, Jhoveleen, for dropping by and for the comment. Yes, same here, I don’t actually believe the world is going to end on December 21. Indeed, faith and prayers can turn molehills into mountains.
Maricel recently posted…What’s Your Number?